Luxury Retirement Living Sarasota

Top Gardening Tips For Seniors

by Sarasota Bay Club

There's a reason why gardening is considered one of America's favorite pastimes. Being able to smell the heady fragrance of flowers grown in your garden, preparing fresh limeade from one's very own miniature lime tree, or cutting up a garden cucumber to enjoy in a salad, are simple but satisfying pleasures.

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Health Benefits Associated With Gardening 

Beyond the fact that eating fresh produce is an important component of good health, gardening is also associated with other proven health benefits. Spending time outdoors, or even pruning flowers that reside on a sunny windowsill reduces stress and increases one's sense of relaxation. Caring for something beyond ourselves also helps to support cognitive function. In addition, the actions involved in gardening such as digging, planting, and pruning helps maintain healthy motor skills and flexibility.

In summary, if you're looking for an enjoyable pastime to help keep your brain and body healthy, starting a garden is a fantastic idea! 

Decide What to Grow

So many things can be incorporated into a garden; deciding what to include in yours can be overwhelming. Do you want to start a garden primarily to add beauty and fragrance to your home? Then a flower garden is probably ideal for you. Or perhaps you like the idea of preparing a meal with fruits and vegetables grown by your own hand.

If you're concerned you might not have a green thumb, contact a garden nursery and ask them for advice about determining which plants are low-maintenance and easy to grow. Invest in just a few easy-to-care-for items until you feel more comfortable about your ability to nurture plants or flowers. 

Locations for a Garden

Traditional gardening involves preparing a substantial plot of land, often with the use of heavy equipment such as a garden tiller. There are other ways to garden, however, that are much more senior-friendly. In addition, most seniors simply don't need the amount of food that's produced from a large plot of land.

Container gardening is a great way to grow plants and flowers without kneeling to plant, weed, mulch, etc. Outdoor decks and patios are ideal locations for starting a container garden. Simply place some raised garden boxes in a sunny spot, and you're ready to start gardening.

It's even possible to start a garden without setting foot outdoors. Sunny windowsills are ideal for growing herbs or sprouts to add to salads. If you have a large expanse of windows somewhere in the home, you may want to invest in a miniature indoor lime or lemon tree. In addition, it's just as easy to place containers or a raised garden box on the interior side of a window as it is to set them outdoors.

Gardening Basics

Most plants, seeds, and flowers come with labeling that lists their soil, water, and sun requirements. It's important to read these labels to make sure you can follow through and provide what your desired plants will need for successful growth. If you're concerned about forgetting to water at the appropriate time, write a note on your calendar or set a continuing reminder on your smartphone or tablet.

If you don't understand some of the information on the plant or seed labels (e.g., acidic vs alkaline soil), ask someone in the gardening center for clarification. Some flowers and other types of vegetation are easy-going and will grow in the worst kinds of conditions, but others are much more selective. As beautiful as they may be initially, without the proper care they won't last long. 

Sarasota Bay Club is a luxury, full-service retirement living community located right on the Sarasota Bay. You'll benefit from a spacious bedroom, first-class amenities, and a luxurious lifestyle. If you're interested in seeing what the community has to offer, schedule a tour today.

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