Sarasota Bay Club

4 Ways to Connect With Your Grandkids This Summer From a Retirement Community

Written by Sarasota Bay Club | June 9, 2016

Today's kids are exposed to incredible amounts of new age communication that is unlike anything generations before them could have ever imagined. If you're trying to figure out how to connect with your grandkids, you might need to step out of your comfort zone.
Your grandkids are growing up in an interesting age filled with immediate gratification and conversations that happen without ever speaking to another person. To truly connect with your grandkids, you may need to try to speak their language because today's kids do not know a world without cell phones and social media.

Related Blog: How to Maintain your Social Life After Retirement

1. Friend Them.

This will sound like a foreign concept to many seniors, but "friending people" is part of the language spoken by today's younger generations. Start by creating your own profile on Facebook, which allows you to only interact with the people you choose to see your profile. This means your list of connections can include only those family members and friends with whom you would like to stay connected.
Once you have created your account, you can send friend requests to your grandkids. Once they accept your requests, you'll be able to see the pictures and updates they post right on the part of your page known as your newsfeed.
Facebook's website is pretty self-explanatory, so once you devote a little time to understanding the process, it will be easy for you to get started.

2. Text Them.

Today's kids are not growing up in an age where they use the phone to talk. If you really want to connect with your grandkids, consider foregoing the phone in favor of texting them a quick "hello." If you're not comfortable typing, see if your phone offers voice-to-text options. This is a common feature whereby you talk into your phone and software translates your spoken word into written text that you can send to your grandkids.

3. Speak Face-to-Face.

Make eye contact even if you're miles away by embracing some of today's readily-available options such as FaceTime (available on Apple devices like iPads) or Skype. Both of these options are video chatting services that allow you to speak to your grandkids face-to-face no matter where you are located geographically!

4. Send Snail Mail.

Break up your grandkids' screen time by sending snail mail. They may have never received anything that actually arrived in the mailbox before! This is a great way to interact with them in a way that brings them away from technology and back to a traditional way of communication. As great as it is for you to engage with your grandkids using communication mediums they are familiar with, it is a two way street! Take this opportunity to introduce them to a way of communicating that was popular when you were their age.

Ready to connect with your grandkids this summer? Start by flexing your social media muscles and telling us how #independentliving @SarasotaBayClub is enhancing your Golden Years!