Luxury Retirement Living Sarasota

6 Tips for Avoiding Cabin Fever During Quarantine

by Sarasota Bay Club

During these difficult times, many people are choosing to decrease contact with others. They frequently choose to stay inside, rather than getting out and enjoying the activities that once brought them joy.

For many people, including seniors, that's quickly leading to a serious case of cabin fever.

Related Blog: 7 Ways To Connect Online With Family And Friends

Are you struggling with being stuck inside and feeling socially isolated, especially if you can't see your family and friends? Try some of these strategies for shaking off the cabin fever and feeling more connected, even in the midst of quarantine. 

1. Find a way you can still volunteer

Are you an active member of a local group? A regular volunteer? Find a way you can continue to give back. You might choose to knit, crochet, or sew items for a local NICU or children's hospital; to bake goods for a local charity that's giving out food; or to make crafts to sell at a charity event. Look for ways to stay involved and feel as though you're still part of the local community. 

2. Host an Online Game Night

You can enjoy a game night with friends, even from far away. Choose a platform like Google Meet or Zoom, then host an online game. Some games more naturally lend themselves to a virtual platform, including:

  • Boggle
  • Scrabble (especially if you play via a platform like Pogo)
  • Monopoly
  • Apples to Apples (works best online if everyone has a deck)
  • Yahtzee
  • Pictionary
  • Choose Your Own Adventure: War with the Evil Power Master (a game based on the Choose Your Own Adventure books)
  • Villainous

3. Hold a Virtual Meal and/or Drinks with Friends

Everyone prepares or orders their own meal, to avoid potential germ exposure, but you can all sit down for a meal and chat together as you eat. 

4. Exercise

Exercise is one of your most effective tools for maintaining your mental health during quarantine. This could be the ideal time to invest in a little exercise equipment, whether you want a treadmill, an exercise bike, or a few hand weights to use in the comfort of your own living room. Find an exercise routine and program that works for you, from a yoga video to some light cardio. Commit to staying active, even if you don't necessarily feel like it in the moment. Staying active will help you stay healthier and decrease the odds that depression will settle in. 

5. Host a Digital movie Night.

Watch a movie online with friends. Zoom, Gaze, and Netflix Party will all easily allow you to connect with friends and watch a movie at the same time--and pause it together if, say, anyone needs to take a snack break or visit the restroom. 

6. Pick Up a New Hobby

What is it that you've found yourself "meaning to do" for a long time, but never gone ahead with? Is there a hobby you have always wanted to pick up, but never gotten around to? Now is the perfect time to dive in and invest in that hobby. 

Many craft stores are offering curbside pickup, or you can deliver items straight to your home. Try out puzzles, knitting or crocheting, sewing, or painting: anything that strikes your creative fancy. Not only is it a great way to pass the time, it's also an excellent way to keep your creative juices flowing and your energy high. 

At Sarasota Bay Club, our residents and staff have found strength and value within our community to entertain, socialize, and stay active. Learn more about our community and schedule a private tour today.

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