
Luxury Retirement Living Sarasota

Learn about the Sarasota Lifestyle!

by Sarasota Bay Club

Learn about the Sarasota Lifestyle!Sarasota is recognized as Florida's Cultural Coast and is home to a professional symphony, ballet and opera. In addition, more than 10 theaters and 30 art galleries are located in Sarasota.

The John & Mable Ringling Museum of Art is Florida's State Museum, and the Van Wezel Performing Arts Hall, known for its architecture and great acoustics, seats 1,700 people and features a dazzling season of music, shows and programs for all ages. 

From circus museums to a year-round spring with 87-degree water, Sarasota has a variety of attractions. You can explore Mote Marine Laboratory, G.WIZ (Gulfcoast Wonder & Imagination Zone), Historic Spanish Point, Marie Selby Botanical Gardens, Sarasota Jungle Gardens, Warm Mineral Springs, Pelican Man's Bird Sanctuary, and more.

Our residents take trips to visit all of these popular and award-winning sites many times a month. Take a look at our calendar of events to see what we have coming up!

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