Luxury Retirement Living Sarasota

Leisurely Activities to Do with Your Older Loved Ones

by Sarasota Bay Club

senior activities Spending quality time with your senior loved ones is a time that should be cherished. As your parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and other relatives get older, it is important to enjoy each other's company and do activities together that bring you joy and create everlasting memories. If you are looking to show your senior friends and family a good time, but are not quite sure what to do, here are some great activities that can be enjoyed by people of all ages.

Related Blog: Top 10 Activities for Seniors in Lakewood Ranch, Florida

Create a Memory Book Together

Have you ever sat around with your loved one and listened to detailed stories about memories and events of times past and could vividly see the scene play out in your own head? These stories are filled with history that should be captured so that your loved one's legacy lives on to be shared with future generations. While you are visiting your loved one, take some time to create a memory book together. You can write out the story as it is told to you and include photographs, embellishments, and tokens of a life well lived.

Explore Nature

Walking is an excellent form of exercise that can be enjoyed by people of all ages. When the weather is nice, head out to your favorite lake, riverside trail, or park, and experience the sights, sounds, and smells of nature with your loved one. Being in nature has a calming effect on the mind, body, and soul, and can lead to some deep and meaningful conversations. As an added bonus, you will burn some calories at the same time!

Dinner and A Movie Night

Just about everyone loves to escape in the storyline of a good movie, and the experience is even better when you do it while enjoying a nice meal as a family. Make weekend nights at your home or their residence at Sarasota Bay Club the place to be by selecting a blockbuster hit to watch, coupled with cooking up a gourmet meal that appeals to the taste of the special senior in your life. To make the evening more memorable, insist that everyone dresses up and serve up the meal over several different courses.

Play Games Together

Board games and cards are timeless and have a way of invoking laughter, friendly competition, and good times for all who are playing. Card and board games can be played outside on the patio when it is warm and sunny out or in the comfort of the living room when the weather is less than cooperative. Choose classic games like Monopoly, rummy, poker, or Yahtzee so you don't have to waste any time trying to figure out how the game is played.

Grow A Garden

Watching plants grow from a seed is fascinating and everyone involved can learn something new in the process. If space is limited, you can purchase pots and grow a container garden on a deck or patio. Container gardening is also good for those with limited mobility because the pots can be placed on a table or build a raised garden bed. While you are away, your loved ones can easily water and care for the plants until it is time for you to visit again. A small garden can help your loved ones feel connected to you even when you are not there with them.

Meaningful activities bring people together and create special memories. Make the most of the time you share with your older loved ones and show them that you care by engaging in games, crafts, and other forms of entertainment that stimulate the mind, body, and spirit. Your loved ones will have a good time in your company and you will get to relax and simply be in the moment, if only for just a little while.

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