
Luxury Retirement Living Sarasota

Our residents are great volunteers as well!

by Sarasota Bay Club

Our residents are great volunteers as well!One of our amazing residents was featured on Fox 13 News:

Florence Katz is as bright as the outfits she wears. At age 98, she's still looks great, always dressed to the nine's with makeup and heels! For the last 19 years she's warmed the hearts of everyone she meets while volunteering at the Jewish Family Services Center of Manatee County in Sarasota.

Florence says her goal is to make everyone smile. And she does just that - greeting every person at the senior outreach center. Most of the people at JFSC are homebound and go to the center for counseling, lunch and entertainment. Some of the clients say it's the best meal they've had all week.

Read the whole article HERE.

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