
Luxury Retirement Living Sarasota

Preparing for Your Private Tour at a Senior Living Community

by Sarasota Bay Club

senior living community tourAre you headed in for a private tour of a senior living community? This is an excellent opportunity to learn more about the community and determine whether or not it's a place you'd like to spend the later years of your life. Before you head in, make sure that you're prepared! There are several important steps you should take as you prepare to visit a senior living community for a private tour.

Related Blog: Why Moving to a Luxury Retirement Community in Sarasota is Better Than Staying at Home

Step One: Know What You Want

Before you head in for a private tour of a senior living community, you should have a good idea of what you want from that experience. What attributes are important to you? Are you looking for a community with a certain type of lifestyle or where there are specific activities available? Do you want an open community where socialization is common, or a quieter community where people tend to mind their own business and leave others alone? By making a clear list of what you want before you head in, you can easily determine whether or not this specific community fits your needs.

Step Two: Prioritize

You know what you'd like to see in a senior living community, but you know not everything can be perfect, either. Check your list and mark your priorities. Decide on the top three must-have items, what items would make or break the deal, and what items would be nice, but you can live without. Think through your list carefully. When you really start thinking about your future home, it may surprise you to discover what's really important to you!

Step Three: List Your Questions

Some things about the community will be highly visible throughout your tour. Other things, you may have to examine more closely. Create a list of the things that you would like to know about the community. This might include learning more about the types of transportation that are available, understanding future costs if you need a higher level of care as you age, what help you'll have throughout the community as you age and are no longer able to do as many things for yourself, and learning more about the rules regarding family visits. Is the community open to visitors all the time? Are you able to have the grandchildren over to stay the night, or even to stay for a few days or so during the summer months? What about the food throughout your community: are meals delivered? Does the community offer a great dining plan? When you have a list of key questions to ask, you'll be able to easily evaluate the community to determine whether or not it's a good fit for you.

Step Four: Check Your Finances

The community you're touring might be a perfect fit, but not if you can't afford it! Before you fall in love with a senior living community, make sure that you check your finances. Examine your retirement accounts, the equity you have in your current home, and any other assets that you have available to determine how much you will be able to spend in your senior living community. Then, evaluate whether or not the one you're touring fits your budget. Make sure to consider the potential for future medical needs as well as your current health and expenses as you're making your plan.

Choosing a senior living community is a big decision, and you want to make sure you've chosen the right one! With these simple steps, you can make it easier to evaluate the community during your private tour, ensuring that you're making the right choice for you. Ready to pick your senior living facility? Contact us to schedule a tour or to ask some of your questions about ours.

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