
Luxury Retirement Living Sarasota

SBC Hosts Sarasota Music Festival Students June 12th and 17th

by Sarasota Bay Club

SBC Hosts Sarasota Music Festival

This will be the sixth year SBC and the Classical Music Club have hosted the very talented music students who are participating in the Sarasota Music Festival. This festival is one of the finest chamber music festivals in the country. It attracts students from the most prestigious colleges and conservatories in the world.

We will be hosting two sets of ensembles for dinner and performances on Wednesdays, June 12th and Monday, June 17th. The dinners with the students will be at 6:00 PM in the Bay Club Lounge. We will be limited in the number of participants for each dinner, hosted by the Classical Music Club. Please sign up at the Lifestyle Desk. Each performance will  be at 8:00 PM in the Ringling Room. No sign up is necessary for the  performances.

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