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Retirement Brings Freedom to Travel, Visit and Have Fun

by Sarasota Bay Club


Whether you were a homemaker or you retired from a busy career, retirement is a special time to work in all those things you didn't have time to do. For some, that means traveling the world. And for others, it is time to catch up with distant relatives and old friends we missed.

When we're not traveling or visiting family and friends, there are so many things to do without going far. You don't have to spend endless days watching the television. Today, there is something for just about anyone who wants to get out and about and have great fun.

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The Benefits of Having Fun by Staying Active and Engaged

Don't think there are not very many things to do after retirement, because you are going to be amazed at how much there is to do. Think of it as your second childhood. No matter your age or skill level, there is something you will love to do. As the Great Senior Living article begins, play is important no matter our age. Having fun, as the article states, can be different for all of us, and there is a lot of fun to have.

Actively participating and having fun is beneficial to us all, at any age. Staying active in retirement can simply make life better.

  • Keeps your brain active, and helps fight against memory problems.
  • Social interactions stimulate rewarding friendships.
  • Your disposition in life is much better when you participate in fun activities with others.
  • Your immune system gets a boost that can equate to better health and hopefully, a longer life. 


So Many Fun Activities to Keep Your Life Exciting and Meaningful

As you see, there is something for each and every person, no matter our abilities. Senior centers are great when you live home alone. 

  1. Keep your hand-eye coordination strong with an active game or sport, such as pickle-ball, miniature golf, horseshoes, and so many others.
  2. Music is a great way to bring people together. Dancing and singing can be a fun way to exercise and enjoy being with others.
  3. Social events can lift your spirits, and it brings people together to mingle and meet new friends. Fundraising events are always a great way to volunteer and get involved with others. 
  4. Working puzzles, playing cards or games not only gives you social interaction, but it also enhances your brain activity
  5. Enjoying the life of animals is another way to boost your spirits. Volunteering at an animal shelter not only benefits the animals but also gives you a sense of purpose that can be extremely rewarding. 
  6. Simply enjoying the great outdoors by yourself, with a friend or with many others "can do wonders for a person's mood." Gardening is a simple way to enjoy the outdoors alone with such a beautiful reward every single day. 
  7. Creative projects can be an uplifting way to pass the time, and also make someone else's day brighter with a special gift handmade by you. Creativity is a way to "reignite a person's vitality and sense of what's possible.
  8. Learning something new, such as a foreign language or becoming a gourmet cook, stimulates our personal growth and gives us new outlooks on life. 
  9. Fun-filled excursions, such as museums or wine tastings, bring joy into our lives as when we were children. Fun group trips are also another way of having fun with others and meeting new friends.


Days Filled with Activities at Sarasota Bay Club

Come explore the joy at Sarasota Bay Club, where you will discover a luxurious retirement community with days full of fun. Our calendar is always filled with exciting events, excursions, group exercising and games, scheduled card games and bingo, happy hours and so many more activities to get as much play into daily life as you like. And the friendships you will make here will fill your heart with years of joy.

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