Assisted Living & Rehab Sarasota

Common Misconceptions About Assisted Living

Moving into assisted living is a huge change for seniors and their loved ones. Much goes into consideration besides the obvious concerns, including your view on assisted living....

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4 Ways to Harness the Power of Good Music to Mitigate Memory Loss

Memories are meant to stay around forever, but sometimes we don't get to control which memories do as memories tend to fade. Fortunately, music has been proven to help mitigate...

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Top Five Research Foundations that Dedicate Their Resources to Alzheimer's Disease

Alzheimer's disease is a form of dementia that affects an individual's memory and other cognitive abilities. It also contributes to serious changes in a person's personality and...

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Online Tests for Alzheimer's Disease: Are They Reliable?

Just one click of a mouse or tap on your smartphone and a world of medical information appears. Doing an internet search of your symptoms is a quick way to cause yourself...

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How Treatment of Dementia and Alzheimer's has Improved Over the Years

Since its identification more than a century ago, a lot has been learned about Alzheimer's disease and the dementia that it causes. Below is a look at the progress that has been...

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How Sarasota Bay Club Helps You Stay Social and Active After Retirement

No longer having to set your alarm clock after retirement may seem like a dream come true. While you may no longer have a 9-5 job full of responsibilities, retirement is no time...

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The Latest News Regarding Medical Advancements in Alzheimer's Disease

While there is no cure for Alzheimer's disease, researchers continue to make discoveries that may lead to drugs that stop or slow disease progression. There are 5.8 million people...

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How Alzheimer's Disease Affects Your Body Other Than Memory Loss

Perhaps the one condition most associated with Alzheimer's disease is that of memory loss. While this is a significant factor for people suffering from the disease, other...

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Exercise Ideas for People with Dementia

Physical activity is important for people with dementia. When adjusted for their ability level, even the simplest activities can improve their overall well- being. Encouraging...

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