Luxury Retirement Living Sarasota

Sarasota Bay Club

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Summer Hobbies Around Sarasota Bay Club

After decades of working on their careers, retirees deserve all the time in the world to purse hobbies and interests they set aside when they were younger and more busy. But some ...
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Support Local Businesses and Eat Healthy: Most Healthy Restaurants in Sarasota, Florida

Healthy eating is an essential part of staying healthy at any stage of life, including retirement age. Getting a good balance of all the elements you need to sustain body and ...
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5 Brain Superfoods Seniors Can Introduce to Their Diet This Summer

Summer is a time of warm breezes, sunny skies and fresh, local food. Introducing some new superfoods into your diet this summer may help boost your brain health and improve your ...
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Best Ways for Seniors to Maintain a Healthy Heart

Heart disease risks are not an inevitable part of aging and there are plenty of ways to stay heart-healthy as a senior. Keeping your hearthealthy as a senior is extremely ...
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Secure Assisted Living and Memory Care at Sarasota Bay Club

Sarasota Bay Club stands out among other area independent retirement living communities for many reasons including the fact that residents purchase their homes and can receive a ...
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What Does Luxury Retirement Mean at Sarasota Bay Club

Luxury retirement living at Sarasota Bay Club offers numerous amenities to make your golden years memorable, fun and comfortable. Our independent retirement living community has a ...
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Are Seniors at Risk for Zika Virus Infections?

There are times when seniors suffer from reduced immune systems that can compromise their overall health. Although some of the threats to seniors' well-being may be unfounded, the ...
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How Seniors Should Use the Phone, Emails and Social Media to Connect

If you or a loved one resides in a senior living community, using technology including a smartphone, email and social media is a great way to connect with friends and family. ...
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10 Ways for Seniors to Stay Safe from the Summer Heat and Sun-Related Risks

Florida residents enjoy beautiful weather, but it’s important to stay safe from the summer heat. Seniors in particular can be at risk for heat-related issues, since some medical ...
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