Every phase of your retired life can be spent in luxury from the moment you retire, and you're ready to have the time of your life again to the moment when you need constant care. ...
For many seniors, age is just a number. Retirement is the time to do all the things you never did, or you just never had the time. If you're looking for additional ideas about ...
If you're considering making a lifestyle move to upscale and luxury living, whether you're downsizing from your home or looking to relocate to new scenery, Sarasota Bay Club ...
When you or a loved one is considering moving to an independent living community, you know that they can provide a safe environment with regularly scheduled meals and comfortable ...
Before you find your way to the luxurious retirement community of Sarasota Bay Club, you should know why Sarasota is one of the top-ranked retirement options in the Southern ...
Whether you were a homemaker or you retired from a busy career, retirement is a special time to work in all those things you didn't have time to do. For some, that means traveling ...
There exists an unfair negative stigma around the idea of living alone. Those who aren't married by a certain age, are often on the receiving end of questions and assumptions as ...
If you're looking for a way to enjoy the outdoors, get some mild exercise, and meet new friends, then consider croquet! The Sarasota Croquet Club is home to 200 members and is the ...
As aging loved ones require more serious care in their elder years, it's very common for a family member to step up and help. Along with the many rewarding experiences you gain by ...