Luxury Retirement Living Sarasota

Sarasota Bay Club

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Retirement Brings Freedom to Travel, Visit and Have Fun

Whether you were a homemaker or you retired from a busy career, retirement is a special time to work in all those things you didn't have time to do. For some, that means traveling ...
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Living Alone Doesn't Mean That You’re Lonely

There exists an unfair negative stigma around the idea of living alone. Those who aren't married by a certain age, are often on the receiving end of questions and assumptions as ...
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Sarasota County Croquet Club: A Fun Way to Enjoy the Outdoors

If you're looking for a way to enjoy the outdoors, get some mild exercise, and meet new friends, then consider croquet! The Sarasota Croquet Club is home to 200 members and is the ...
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7 Challenges Caregivers of Aging Loved Ones Face

As aging loved ones require more serious care in their elder years, it's very common for a family member to step up and help. Along with the many rewarding experiences you gain by ...
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Top Theaters for Celebrating the Arts in Sarasota

When it comes to celebrating the arts in Florida, the theatre community of Sarasota has you covered. From musical productions to performances of favorite plays such as The Music ...
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Sarasota Farmers Markets: A Guide to Homegrown and Handmade Products

When it comes to locally grown Florida produce and handcrafted items, look no further than the farmers markets of Sarasota. The city is home to multiple farmers markets that draw ...
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Up and Coming: Exploring the Rosemary District of Downtown Sarasota

The City of Sarasota is experiencing exciting growth thanks to the revitalization of the Rosemary District. Since 2014, the district has blossomed into one of the 10 most walkable ...
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You Can Feel Safe Living in a Senior Living Community

It's rarely an easy choice to move from your own home into a senior living community, but when personal safety is involved, it can be a very wise decision. Staying in your own ...
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How To Help Seniors Stay Independent: 3 Things You Can Do

As a senior, exercise is more critical to your overall health and wellness than ever. Make sure that you're engaging in regular exercise to help improve your fitness, increase ...
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