Luxury Retirement Living Sarasota

Is it Time for Your Senior Loved One to Stop Driving?

If you have a relative that is a senior driver, you may be facing an important dilemma – how to determine if and when they should stop driving. You want them remain as safe as ...
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Vary Your Routine to Increase Brain Activity

If you are concerned about age and cognitive function, it may help to know that you do have some control. All parts of the body age, and that includes the brain. But just like ...
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Why Eating Well Should Be a Priority as You Get Older

The nutritional needs of an older person are much different from those of a teenager or even those of a younger adult. The body of an older person handles nutrients differently, ...
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Why Move to a Senior Living Community Instead of Using In-Home Service

If you or someone in your family is considering moving to a senior living community, it is natural to think about the reasons for such a move. For most seniors and their families, ...
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